Jul 4, 2014

Color Pop!


Oh hello you. I decided to play around with pops of color after work, with the office door haha. Thanks for the pictures, Julian! The lovely people behind the up and coming local blogshop, Tiara, has a range of exclusive manufactured items amongst their imported products. 

Besides that, I really appreciate the fact that they have a mixed array of items to choose from, from casual to chic. Even party appropriate outfits for events and such. Events are such a headache to dress up for, and you wouldn't want to be caught dead in the same dress at any party or launch. Tiara has gotten this point taken care of with exclusive items in store!

x [     T I A R A    B e a t r i c e    C h e c k e r e d     T o p     ]  x

Easy breezy thinly strapped top for sweltering hot summer days where you just wanna walk around topless but don't wanna seem vulgar. I like pairing all my teeny weeny tops with my all-time favorite hat for that put together look. 

Don't wanna look too casual, while being totally casual aye?

x [     T I A R A    C e l i n e   B l a z e r     ]  x

A classic blazer exclusively manufactured by TIARA. This would look damn rad with white on white outfits - of which I am obsessed with at the moment. I added this sleek baby with an all-red outfit for a wild pop of color. Hey, nothing beats staying warm while all dressed up at events. Don't jeopardize warmth just to stay stylish. Layer away, girlfriend!

x [     T I A R A    B l u e   A m b e r   S k i r t     ]  x

The skirt that every girl needs in their wardrobe, available in various colors like blue, white, red and black. I like how versatile bandage skirts really are. Can't deny this but bandage skirts really hide all unsightly bulges and accentuates all da good stuff you have there. Bandage skirts are a must-have in your wardrobe if you work in an office. A different color everyday, just mix and match your basics/dressy tops for a different look altogether. Perfect for girls who simply do not have the time to fret over their outfits at 7am in the morning. I feel you.

For more awesome shizzzz, head over to TIARA and get yo shopping on.