Jul 10, 2014

Eat Clean

Boiled Broccoli with plain rice and Japanese fish flakes.

Basically my diet for the past week, besides the occasional pancakes and homemade mee sua. I love love love broccoli. Its so good just steamed/boiled and super healthy. I've been trying to eat clean(er) lately and I think it really shows on my body. A friend of mine commented that I look much leaner (in a good way) and refreshed.

 I honestly believe that the best gift that one can give him/herself is good health. Especially as young adults, we get so caught up with the rat race and climbing the corporate ladder that we tend to neglect our bodies. I've totally cut off having fast food takeaways, fried food and carbonated drinks. Never felt more detoxed and healthier.

On a random side note, I've ordered new Rokinon FE8M-C 8mm F3.5 Fish Eye camera lens from Amazon and they should be here shortly. Super super excited about it and can't wait to shoot/film more when it arrives! If there's something that makes me nervous like crap, it'd be purchasing new camera lens. I don't think I'd ever get that excited if it was a new handbag. Can't wait to blog about my new toy! <3