Jul 1, 2014

Travel Thoughts.


A friend of mine wanted to make a trip to Taiwan one day and asked me if I wanted to come along. Without much consideration, I said yes. Even though I had a full time job then and should not be traveling so frequently. Even though we never travelled together before through our 8 year friendship. I figured out that it was the time to take a break from work and maybe I could be inspired from the trip. Maybe I could write something when I come back. What I would do for the love of writing huh.

Here are some visuals from my recent impromptu trip to Hongkong and Taiwan.

Been looking forward to visiting Taiwan for awhile now. And I am thrilled that I did.

Friends have been telling me about their orgasmic street food and friendly sales people that I just had to experience it myself. And the rumors are true. The Taiwanese are the most friendly bunch of all. From the cab drivers, sales people, to random people on the street. The Taiwanese have it in their blood to treat everyone with respect. To treat humans, like humans - which is something really simple but rare in this world. One strike off my bucket list for sure, and I will definitely be back in the near future.

I cannot seem to truly define what travel means to me. I am not well travelled, as compared to all my air stewardess and steward friends who literally travel for a living. Or my friends who manage to whisk themselves away once in awhile, burrowing their work under their desks and calling it a day. 

Truth is, I never thought of travel the way I do now. Travel is now an integral part of my life. I am always searching for the next escapade, keeping my eyes wide open for the next destination to get lost in. I marvel at the fact that wanderlust has indeed hit me, in my mid twenties when it should have, a long time ago.

Looking back, it all seems pretty amusing how I used to be afraid. We all are, somehow. Even though we hate to admit it. Weakness is not something comfortable to project. We are all afraid of the unknown. We hate being uncomfortable, and dealing with things we are not familiar with. Afraid of being on foreign ground and talking to strangers who could potentially harm us when we are faraway from home. I am afraid too. Afraid of being abroad without my family or friends, and this fear held me back for the longest time ever.

In this world of hyper-connectivity, it is easy to disregard the importance of safe traveling. We believe that our loved ones are easily within reach. A tap on the screen, that is all that it takes. Traveling is a curious pursuit that few take in great wonder. Most travel, skimming through the surface of touristy places. Some travel to look good. To flaunt the wealth they do not own. Some travel to discover. Some travel to find themselves. We are defined by our experiences. We are defined by the conversations we have, the accounts we like on Facebook, the way we treat people on foreign ground. We are defined by our choices in life, the plane tickets we book and the places we travel to. And it is important to do it all in great assurance.

One thing that avid travelers always emphasize, is the importance of reading up on the place you are heading to before actually getting yo ass there. Like I said, hyper connectivity is prevalent in this world. So use it to your full advantage!

www.travelmadedifferent.com is a platform for us to exchange travel tips with one another. It is an interactive platform created by youths for youths! Read about epic grad trips or orgasmic must-try street food that you might potentially miss out in mainstream forums. 

Everyone with a bucket list has that ONE ultimate thing they want to experience more than anything else in the world - I have struck off one item on my bucket list. What's yours? Tell us and you could soon be on your way to the trip of your lifetime worth freaking $4000!

Remember to make sure that your Instagram account is set to allow public viewing. 
Terms & conditions apply. Contest ends 23 July 2014.

Follow @TravelMadeDifferent on Instagram for your personal dose of wanderlust inspiration! 
Check out www.travelmadedifferent.com for more details.