Jun 8, 2014

Shoot in progress.

Whaddup guys. I have been on a non stop shooting weekend for advertorials and its honestly pretty draining. 

Shooting after work (8hours of non-stop staring at the computer) is really no joke. My eyes are often sore and blurry after a few hours, and my font is probably set to size 36 at the end of the day. No kidding. I am starting on my third month at my first full-time job since graduation, so yay *throws confetti* I was in a huge dilemma on which company to work for (very blessed to have had several work opportunities open up to me right after graduation) and I decided to follow my heart. Yes, very cliché

I am a Brand Manager at a local fashion label, and my job requires me to speak to a whole list of people every day. It is really interesting and humbling at times, especially when most of them are such darlings to speak to. I have since stopped taking in new advertorials for the past few weeks, and will open up more slots after I return back to Singapore in late June. Looking forward to receiving new exciting apparel and products - to greater things and beyond!

Thank God for Julian who helped me out the other day when I was planning to camp out in the office till midnight shooting a whole rack of clothes after work. Thanks Ju for helping me with shooting outfit, after outfit without whining like I did hahahaha :/ Thank God for Kanny for her undying support towards me and my work, I am incredibly blessed to have her with me. I have not spoken to her about this before, but I am well aware that she leaves nice comments on my advertisers profiles in full support for my work - which is so damn sweet. Love you lah. 

Thank you to all my followers who stop me on the streets telling me that you guys love my pictures and writings. Your words are like fuel to my work, and you guys keep me going everyday.

Okay should probably stop thanking the whole world and being emotional about it hahaha