Jun 5, 2014

Nestle Fitnesse


Nestle summoned a couple of us lazy girls to Gold's Gym recently for personal training with a hottie. 
Check out the pictures below to find out more!

Nestle engaged a Tropical Hunk - Khit to whoop our asses and get our health back on track. 
I was really excited about this since I've never really been properly trained in a gym before. 

And nope.... Khit did not show any mercy to me T__T

He got me started on some basic cycling exercises, which totally killed my legs right from the start. 
I was feeling like jelly after a minute of cycling. Signs of a lazy and extremely unwilling body sigh.

Epic picture - Khit must be thinking why I was even groaning since I JUST started.

We did a couple more exercises that got me groaning and whining at the end haha my favorite exercises were actually weights?!! I love doing weights for some odd reason. Makes me feel all masculine and stuff :/ Lifted 15kg weights - which is not too bad for a first timer I think?

I had so much fun even though I was whining teasingly to Khit throughout our session. Khit was incredibly patient and encouraging, which helped a whole lot! Very thankful to Nestle FITNESSE for hooking us up with a fun personal training session - something that I would probably procrastinate for 10years before actually accomplishing.

Nestle introduced me to their Fitnesse cereal, which has recently acquired a new taste - a spanking new recipe that includes lighter and crispier flakes in 3 exciting variants of Fitnesse Original, fruit, and Honey & Almond!

Jaime did a session with Khit before me and waited for me to be done with mine. 
Here we are messing around with these bad boys (in our opinion). 

The Fitnesse cereals are all made of 40 - 53% whole grain. Good stuff in our tummies <3
I finally understand the importance of having an active, balanced lifestyle – one that can be enjoyable as well!

 I am currently doing some light abs exercises that Khit taught me during our session and can see slight results from them - a combination from a healthy Nestlé Fitnesse cereal diet and exercises. For those who are wondering... huh cereal for every meal?!! Don't worry girlfriends. The Nestlé Fitnesse cereal is pretty yummehhhh so it is actually quite doable!

The FITNESSE 14-Day Program is designed to kickstart an active, balanced lifestyle.
Replace breakfast, and one other meal with FITNESSE cereal for 14-days. The third other meal should be balanced and nutritious. Also, don’t forget to exercise! If I can do it... you can too! x

You can also win a FUN FITNESSE starter kit worth $100!
SMS the following to 146077688:
<blog AUDREY>space<your name>space<your nric>

Visit Nestle for more Fitnesse fun tips and information.