Jun 12, 2014

Who am I.

I am a student of the world, a ever-curious character lurking in the corner of the store. 
I have a mind that would disturb your thoughts like ripples upon still water. 

I am the stranger reading on the bus, the one who missed her stop just to complete that paragraph of text. 
I have nothing but a frail body, bursting with a library of stories waiting to be read. 
These bones hide wonders of hope, faith and immense courage beyond your imagination.

I am a commodity of popular culture and advertising. 
My morals and ethics can be sold at a price, just like everybody else.

I am only human, one that has experienced the highs and lows of what life has to offer. 
I am everything but fragile. And no, I am not emotionally unstable. I am well aware of the environment around me. 
More specifically, the people around me. Always watching. Always listening for signs that reflect difference. 

I like difference, I like rebellion against the grain. 
I enjoy speaking to people who have once crashed, burned and managed to get back on their feet. 
The process of knowing a person in darkness intrigues me. It is a paradox that I struggle with.

I read somewhere that we subconsciously fear the light. 
We fear to shine, so badly that we doubt our ability to. It is not darkness that scares people, it is the light. 

I am inadequate in many areas. I cannot speak my own dialect, I have been underweight all my life. 
I possess many bad habits. I fall in love with bad people. And I continue loving them long after. After years of watching and listening, I learnt to understand why people are the way they are. Why they do what they do to get what they want. I have come to terms with how people forget that other people are human. This is the fabric of reality.

I am terrible at directions and lose my way a little too often even in the city I grew up in. 
As compared to some of you, I am not well traveled but I hope to be. I want to see the world. 
I want to speak to strangers on a train, I want to hear their stories.

Inadequacy eats you inside, slowly, mercilessly. 
It kills you the moment you start feeling like you are not good enough, or will never be. 
Do not be afraid of feeling inadequate. Embrace it and never let them tell you that you are not good enough for anyone.