Aug 25, 2015

Faces of Bali

Street photography in Bali, Indonesia.

I was sent on a work trip to Bali in June. I never really felt that I could be connected to a city within such a short period of time. But between the pockets of time between filming, I managed to get a little closer to the locals with the help of my trusty camera. There is something about holding a camera that bridges the gap between people.

I like the sound of that.

I enjoy how the camera can build consciousness, and break down that exact same thing. It is intriguing, arresting and filled to the brim with madness at the same time. Sometimes, I do feel that I might actually be going mad. On how I crave documentation. It drives me, pushes me to the point of no return.

Most of these pictures were taken from a moving car. No time for hesitancy and indecisiveness when it comes to clicking the shutter. It thrilled me, how challenging it was to stick half my body out of the moving car. How dangerous it was, to risk my camera being whizzed away by a stranger on a bike. 

If you were to ask me what do I remember about the cities I visit, I would tell you all about the people. The people of each and every city would always leave a lasting impression on me. I can remember nothing significant about landmarks, massive factory outlet stores and the best food in the city square. But I would tell you stories, about the strangers I met on the bus. I would tell you about how a lady nursed me back to health when I was traveling in Bangkok. A stranger who held me like I was her child. I would tell you all about their faces, hands, the way their feet shuffle in caution in the presence of a camera. I would tell you about how scared I really am sometimes, when strolling in the streets alone at night longing for some good pictures.

I did it. Not because I can, but because I can't not. And so, I pray that I will not lose this feeling. This feeling of brokenness, cravings for more of these unpaid projects that my peers would shun away from. I pray for more time to listen to people, to read about wholeness and singleness. To learn more, and never stop learning.

Without further ado. These are, faces of Bali.

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