Feb 8, 2015

Studying light.

I collect random pictures.
Sometimes they tell a story, sometimes they don't even make sense.
Bunch them together and they hold a different meaning altogether.

I like writing, and I know a whole bunch of you guys write as well. If you think you would like to write for a living, writers positions are available at The Smart Local (write in to beatrice@thesmartlocal.com with an impressive essay about yourself, your resume and funny pictures of yourself) if you are interested! They are actively looking for writers based in Malaysia and Australia so holla them if you would like to write for a living.


Unknown said...

Hello audrey, would like to ask for your permission to save the last photo that you have post. I save it because this motivate me to press on to my diet and exercise. Thank you

Aud said...

Hi Ting Ting! Sure why not <3

Aud said...
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