Feb 14, 2015

Simple Things.

I have stared at this page long enough.

To be honest, I have genuine intention to pen something for the longest time ever. I will not attribute it to the fact that I have been grounded to my bones in busyness, because it is not entirely true.

I need to fuel my passions. Hence, I tend to read, watch and listen to a lot of creative work. I drown myself in text at times, and it is liberating on the highest degrees of liberation. And all these take time, to come back as a better person with heightened perceptions. I cannot bring myself to deliver cheap sugared prose that do not arrest, or prick you (in modest fashion) at the least. I would rather project genuine thoughts than sugar coat something feel-good or digestible for your mental hunger.

One thing that I am thankful for, is the opportunity to travel right at the brink of a new year. Recently, I was sent on a cruise as a photographer to do a travel documentation. It was then and there where I was thrown into paradise, even though quite reluctant as I had (to put it crudely) a shitload of work to complete. I tried to ignore the voices in my head begging me to whip out my laptop. At every interval, I tried to stop and inhale the scent of the ocean. I paused the hustle and bustle to simply, gaze at the foam specks that waltzed around waves after waves. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror, with messy hair tossed by sea breeze. Slightly damp from soaking in the pool. Unpolished and raw.

I realized that I have forgot this feeling. And it was frightening as it slowly sank in. That we have been caught up with so many things that engulf our daily lives. I love swimming, yet have not stepped into a pool for the longest time ever. A year? Two years? I cannot recall.

It all boils down to simple things. Things that we often forget.

I was just browsing through an entire album of pictures over the past few days. A thousand pictures and probably a hundred videos waiting for work to be done. These are a few sneak peeks for your viewing pleasure.

Photos: Christabel Chua

You know, there are so many things that we neglect. I spent the past few days cruising in the middle of the ocean, cut off from the virtual world and it suddenly struck me that I have not felt this liberated in some time. All these simple things, like feeling the sea breeze embrace every curve of my body. Feeling the saltiness in the air. The past few months had zoomed past without me realizing.

In the midst of busyness, we can easily forget why do the things we do. We have a greater purpose. You may not see it now but it is out there. You just have to reach out, take a breather from everything that shackles you. Reach out and find something that you can call your own. Something that would anchor you. Take the initiative to travel out of your comfort zone, throw yourself into uncomfortable situations.

And be in love with your life. The happiest moments when you actually thought that you could rule the world. The times you believed in mystical creatures, your childlike innocence as you run towards the ice cream store as an adult. Be in love with the nasty bits, the bits that you are most afraid of. Learn from the people who wanted nothing but horrible things to happen to you. Forgive them, but never forget them. These are the parts of you that gave you immense strength along the years. Learn from the songs you hum to yourself when you are alone sitting by the beach. Listen to the waves as they unfold and crash majestically upon your feet in harmonious celebration. Feel the soft sand between your toes. You are alive. And that fact is enough. You are enough.

---- In the midst of editing the rest of the pictures from my trip, looking forward to sharing them here in the next few days!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're honestly the most genuine person i've ever come upon! Thank you for always telling your readers to try, try , try & that eventually, we will be happy with our life & ourselves. Thank you for uplifting my spirits tonight, Audrey! God bless ya! x