Oct 30, 2013

Behind-the-scenes: Shooting for Thistlebelle Nail Boutique

Some behind-the-scenes visuals from the shoot earlier today (or technically yesterday since it is officially past midnight) with Thistlebelle Nail Boutique. Managed to churn out the portfolio visuals in a few hours during school time - the lecture was seriously THAT boring (think Cultural and Media Policy plus an angsty + disinterested lecturer) The lovely owner, Junying (who happens to be a personal friend of mine) is crazy talented in nail art design as you can see. Not being bias here, but I am secretly one of her biggest fans <3 We had a good time hanging out and nom-ing the glorious cream-spammed cake she bought for one of the set-ups. Funny how I did not manage to get a picture with her and the models. Or even the slice of cake that I wolfed down within seconds. Sigh, why.does.this.always.happen.

Ps: Apologies for neglecting this space so often these days. I have been busy. And I have officially lost count on how many times I have used that excuse here. On a happier note, I am currently at my final semester in university! Super excited to graduate, but extremely terrified as hell. I realized that graduating from uni is like leaving a long-term relationship. Very daunting and insecure. Yes, I have the weirdest analogies.