Sep 3, 2013

Florals x Denim

Travel Diary.

Spent the past week in the land of smiles (or sin, in my case) with a bunch of my uni mates to de-stress after yet another crazy semester that was packed with never-ending assignments. I fell sick after waking up on the second day and went shopping regardless. Super grateful for all the tissue papers that each store owner offered me to blow my nose while shopping alone at Chatuchak, would have never survived the trip without their kindness. And the masseuse who tried to cool my burning forehead with a damp cold towel and treated me like her own daughter. I swear that I wanted to hug her after the session :'( Anyway, despite nursing a fever, runny nose and terrible sore throat - I managed to purchase much more clothes than expected and will be sharing a mini pop-up collection in a week or two after shooting them! Convinced one of my classmates to take some street shots with me on the last day of the trip and had a lot of fun dodging reckless cab/tuktuk drivers along the alley that we were shooting at. Till we meet again, Thailand.