Jul 23, 2013


 Florals: Mirage Flowers  | Photography: AndroidsinBoots Wedding | Art direction: Audrey L | Model: Elaine Jasmine and Eden | Wardrobe: Wisteriea 

It all started with a big idea on how we could incorporate more flowers in weddings. To make beautiful bridesmaids feel.. well, like princesses on a very special night. Research on pre-campaign photoshoots are always nerve-wrecking, with a million influences bombarding me from all directions. Although the process might be hair-pulling, to find the perfect colors and rustic-looking flower species to fit the concept - it is entirely satisfying when everything falls into place at the end of the day. I placed particular emphasis on how each bouquet represents a different personality - with bright vibrant palettes to subtle pastel tones that could charm grandparents into possibly cam-whoring with them. Hop over to the Facebook Page of Mirage Flowers to check out what I did for this exclusive collection, made with love for bridesmaids and adorable flower girls.