Jul 31, 2013

Ad: Love Schues

Footwear | Love Schues

I was pleasantly surprised when I unwrapped my parcel from Love Schues. Especially the cheerful number right above this text. The platform is actually made of real wood material, and surprising feels very light even so. I like how the wooden details complement the bright happy colors! Despite how I have always been purchasing black footwear since eons ago, I picked out these pieces for the influx of white pieces that I have been getting. It is about time to inject some color into my life, yes?  Oh, did I mention that Love Schues carries a range of bags as well? Super rad. Made of quality materials, footwear from Love Schues is available in various sizes that are true to size. Time to ditch those old shoes you have been hoarding and shop away at Love Schues today!