Mar 4, 2013


I recently caught a web-drama (CLICK) on Breathe's Facebook page, after being introduced at CLICK's blogger event sometime last month. I thought that it was great that the Facebook page's wall is full of interesting and engaging stuff, revolving around problems that teenagers face these days.

Oh and it was pretty cool to meet the other media influencers for CLICK - GeckGeck, Rachel, Shine, Xavier, Kaykay, Valerie, (myself), Jamie and Tyler at the blogger event! 

The mandatory group photo with the cast of CLICK and the host of the day - Divian from 987fm

The gorgeous Valerie Wang and yours truly (yes, I got myself bangs AGAIN)

After watching the full CLICK episodes , I saw a few familiar obstacles and situations the characters going through what I kinda went through in the past. Somehow, the episodes really spoke to me - especially the scenes regarding "cyber-bullying".

Just so you know, Singapore has the second highest number of cyber-bullying cases after the US, says a new survey by the Straits Times. Here's an example of a primary 3 girl - She was repeatedly called "ugly" and "irritating" by her peers. Not only was she insulted in school, these comments also made their way to online blogs. She endured the insults for more than 6months, and at a point in her life, she wished she could die. It really makes me wonder what kinda person would want tp make a life miserable for another, especially at a young age of only 9 years old. Read all about it here.

The effects of technology has taken a prevalent sweep across the globe and I can't deny the benefits that it has given us. Especially as an adult who grew up with digital technology, being cradled by the convenience and entertainment value. I grew up with the era of pagers, old trusty Nokia phones that would survive a 3 storey fall from a high rise building, a gameboy that is probably the size of an iPad mini, Friendster, IRC.

As a communications student, I am often questioned about my stand towards the media, its influence upon me and the many issues that come along in this "exciting package". Sure, it has brought upon a great deal of convenience. The society believes that our generation is a "strawberry" generation, that we are pampered and spoon fed in every aspect. As much as I would love to disagree on that, it is undeniably true to a certain extent.

It is a new generation. We are the new generation.

We are better educated as compared to the generation before us, or rather (let me put it across modestly) more informed as a result. The effects of media is undeniably prevalent. It is like a temptress, creeping into our lives and consuming us, slowly but surely.

In the case of Amanda Todd, a 15 year old girl from Vancouver, who committed suicide after years of bullying (both online and offline). The bullying still continued after her death, her peers would upload nasty photos mocking her death.

It is easy to say things like, oh her family and friends should have been there for her. She wouldn't have committed suicide if they did. In actual fact, there are too many cases like Amanda Todd.

A total of 255 students from 3 local secondary schools were involved in an informal poll conducted by Touch Cyber Wellness and Sports, and 35% of them has been cyber-bullied in one way or another.

As a young adult, it is not that difficult to point a self righteous finger at the younger generation. However, we are all guilty of cyber-bullying in one way or another. The moment you decide to post something negative about a person online, whether you know this person or not. You are undeniably guilty of the act.

No one should go through what some of us have. When our pictures are ripped off our social media platforms and discussed in an unsightly manner, I often stop to wonder if these people in forums have sisters or girlfriends. I wonder how their sisters and girlfriends would react if they ever found out about what their loved ones has been saying about others online.

I simply do not understand why people just randomly leave hate comments to people they do not know. For an example, Instagram. Is it really too easy to get away with calling someone fat or ugly? Is it for the thrill of putting someone down? The feeling of being anonymous?

Cyber bullies are simply keyboard warriors who hide behind their screens thinking that they are the bigger ones. In fact, they are just insecure individuals who need to tell people that they are lousy just to feel better about themselves.

We understand that everyone makes mistakes. Maybe these people struggle with insecurity. Or maybe they are really just random trolls who actually like making people feel bad about themselves. I do come across a random internet troll once in awhile and I feel kinda sorry for him/her. Don't you think its really silly of a stranger to type a hate mail to someone he/she doesn't know, when all it takes is a click of a button to delete it?

Lets stop cyber bullying today. Or at the very least, refrain being participants.

Here's 5 steps to beating cyber bullying:

1) Block the bully's access to (your) online accounts
- The more you block, the lesser access he/she would have to your life!

2) Ignore the bully
- By ignoring, you actually stop feeding his/her hunger for attention! Remember that these bullies just want to see you being affected.

3) Seek help from the site moderators
- Websites usually have policies against harassment and bullying (e.g.: Facebook), and the administrators would be able to warn or ban the users who are breaking the rules. Remember that you are not only solving your problems, you are also helping others on the site by preventing cyber bullies from attacking others!

4) Change your profile or leave the site
- Alternatively, you could change your email address, usernames etc

5) Tell someone of a higher authority
- Do not be afraid to approach your parents or even the police. Cyber bullies can be tracked down and caught! The offense can amount to criminal intimidation under the Penal Code, and carries a penalty of imprisonment and/or a fine. In cases involving serious threats to cause death or grievous hurt, the penalty is more severe with a longer term of imprisonment. Now tell me who is not afraid to be imprisoned now!

Before I end this post, let me share more with you about CLICK....

CLICK basically follows the lives of 5 friends, who experience the ups and downs of growing up together. It also revolves around love, happiness, jealousy, betrayal and disappointment. The 5 friends have their flaws, but through it all, they are always there to inspire each other to be a better person (that is always most important, right?)

CLICK premiered on 15th January earlier this year, and new episodes are aired every Tuesday and Friday at 6pm sharp here. Do check them out to see how the story goes!

Here's the cast from CLICK! Please go and follow the drama if you haven't! 

Last but not least, do "like" Breathe's Facebook page to catch up on more cool stuff!

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