Nov 1, 2012


Visited IKEA to shop for supplies 2 days ago and got myself a box of sweet oat crisps for breakfast. They taste absolutely splendid with a glass of cold milk. The weather has been such a bummer, pouring most of the day and igniting those lazy tendencies as we hide indoors for a tinge of comfort. All I want to do is to curl up in bed with a good book and laze the rest of the day away. Been stocking up the fridge with cartons of fresh milk lately, thought that I could use a little calcium boost to strengthen my bones. I need to be stronger. I have to be.


Hp said...

Nice Photography :)

Aud said...

Thanks hp!!!! <3

Eatlovemerry said...

These photos are gorgeous!

Aud said...

Hey Benlovesting, thank you!!! :)