Dec 22, 2014

Inside the mind of a reader.

You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive.
- James Baldwin

I think books are whispers from God, they are hidden thoughts waiting to be found. Words are feelings that are waiting to be understood. I think words are powerful in its own entity, like weapons to protect.. or hurt. I believe in the power of books, that a good book could very well change your life drastically. 

Books are not sinister, manipulative. They are just the way they are. They are unfiltered after published. They are as true as they can be, at the given point of time. Books do not expect your kindness, they do not fancy your riches. They do not judge. Page after page, I attempt to cultivate my thoughts by immersing myself in the thoughts of another. I listen to paragraphs that do not speak like a person does. I try to understand being in someone else's shoes, to feel the pain that someone felt.

I read to feel more, to understand what I cannot seem to grasp. I read to place myself in uncomfortable situations, to be transported to some place far away even if I am just at the bookstore. I read to know more about the world, to be intrigued by the wonders that I do not know of.

What do you read?
Why do you read?

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