Dec 5, 2014

Work it.

Photography: Umehara Ken from Playground Pictures.

Been spending a lot of time working on brand new projects and planning for upcoming collaborations in the school holidays. I hardly have any sleep at all but I have to keep pushing myself to do more work before 2014 comes to a close. The only person who can push myself, is me. I guess you can say that I learnt it the hard way, being thrown into uncomfortable situations to deal with unfamiliar arenas. It has made me tough along the years. I have an old soul.

It has been a whirlwind working with new people, getting to know their traits and bettering companies as we go along. The main focus of what I do, is that I need to believe in what I do before even moving on. I cannot bring myself to deliver substandard work. I cannot begin a project with little belief in it. I hold firm in the mantra, "Do it well, or not at all." I guess it has translated into various parts of my life. And it serves as an advantage and disadvantage at the same time.

In other news, I just received an official job offer which allows me to do so much more with great flexibility. It is marketing and design centric, it also relates directly to my teaching stint - which is really best of not two, but three worlds. I will not elaborate much on it but you get the rough idea. Apart from that, I am currently working on a couple of new projects in collaboration with a fellow blogger, Beixin. We are in the midst of planning for upcoming collaborations, so more exciting stuff to come! I can't wait to reveal our work together, I swear its gonna be rad.

That said, I am super thankful for everyone who have been part of my learning journey since day one, heres to greater quality content and growing together as creative individuals. To everyone who has been writing to me in support for tippyfilms on Instagram, my writings and (amateur) photography work here on the blog.  I cannot extend my gratitude in another fashion, but I really appreciate each and every single one of you. Thank you for loving me the way I am, my eccentricity and quirks. My writings and pictures that are hard to grasp sometimes. Thank you dear advertisers, who place so much trust in my work, almost rarely questioning my direction and being such angels to me. 

For all the handwritten notes, snacks and coffee sachets that you guys sneakily add into my parcels... I am beyond grateful for these thoughtful gestures that make my day every single time. Some days are particularly tough, with me lugging a 15kg bag (thats almost half my weight, yikes!) around Singapore for over 10 hours, rushing from place to place/trying to maximize my time by taking up back to back jobs.. I come home to packages with encouraging handwritten notes and it fuels me to work till the wee hours again. Quite frankly, I think it is pretty crazy how people can be so insanely kind to a stranger like myself. I wish I could meet all of you someday. Till then, I guess I still have this small little space to reach out to you guys. Leave a comment, would love to hear from you guys as well! x

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