Nov 16, 2014

Week at a glance

Just when you thought everything was stable and beautiful, 
someone comes to throw shade reminding you that no, 
the world is a cruel place. 

You are weak. 
You are inadequate. 

But no, honey. No. 

Look them in the face, 
stare straight into their souls 
and consciously agree that yes I am inadequate 

and I don't see any reason 
why not to be. 

Being inadequate is what makes me human 
and I don't ever want to be less than this weak, 
raw and struggling human being. 

People are always wary of admitting their weaknesses, 
what makes them cry in the middle of the night. 

I think weakness is beauty in its own form, it is real. Humane. 

Everyone breaks under stress and pressure, 
but few dare to show it. 

Few dare to look at their loved ones and say that 
hey, I'm not okay. I had a bad day. I feel unloved. 

I need a hug. I need assurance. I am afraid of the future.

Be that few people who do. 

Not because of neediness, not because of lack.
Solely because you are human.

And you have every right to be.

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