Nov 26, 2014

Office girl

Just hanging in the hood. My cool bosses told me that they will be constructing (or attempt to) a new table for me using those white metal frames behind me. Excited and a little scared at the same time haha. We'll see about that.

Life has been good so far, with lots of exciting collaborations coming my way... I've gotten my hands full once again. So much to do, so little time. And I'm still pretty much a workaholic, I don't believe in off days or weekend leisure. I don't feel bored anymore, which is kinda sad sometimes. I don't seem to participate in the thrill of just sitting around in front of the tv, just watching... stuff. I feel ultra motivated, liberated and feeling so much drive in me that I can't stop. 

So, is this what the quarter-life crisis is all about? Or is it just me? 
It sure doesn't feel like a crisis to me.

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