Nov 9, 2014


Manicure c/o Charme
Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213 // 6733 6958

I was speaking to a friend about breaking into the creative industry, and doing work that is.... not-so-mainstream. She tells me that she cannot be creative in her free time, due to her demanding day job. Mainly to the fact that her job requires her to be in a constant state of thought in the day, and to deal with (lets put this across directly) unhappy people from all walks of life.

I know that I might not be in the utmost position to speak about the creatives due to my age, which unfortunately (indirectly) translates into my lack of experience as compared to a veteran. But I will attempt to anyway, because I would like to dissect the conversation I had with this particular friend and deeply analyze what I am missing out here.

Before moving on, a short background for those who are new here. I have been in various jobs revolving around creative work for the past 7 years (see sidebar description), and some unrelated jobs like.... hairstylist (bored while waiting for level results) and yogurt shop slave (wanted to learn about how an F&B business works). Amongst my peers, I am considered pretty individualistic when it comes to my choice of career. People say that I am creative, artistic and... different - which is flattering, but quite frankly.. intimidating.


Psychologists speak of individuality in a whole different ball game. And I think it is pretty interesting and relatable especially to my topic today. At least to me. I have grown to have keen interest in anthropology and such. So bear with me if you are not interested in what I have to say. I promise it is going to make you think. 

And thinking out of your comfort zone is always a good thing, yes?

I read somewhere that the concept of Individuality takes its rightful place at the far or somewhat highest end of a progression that begins externally, superficially with social conformity of manners and proceeds through rather successive stages of behavioral patterns, characters and personalities to further elevate and internalize itself as the basis of knowledge, decision and eventually, a call-for-action. 

Delving deeper into this, I read that the person finally outgrows the pricking need to fully conform to societal norms and develops his/her own internal standards. Thus, this cultivates an unique, creative individualistic nature. So you can probably imagine my confusion when my friend told me that she cannot bring herself to do anything creative while being at her emotionally-demanding job (she has somewhat pressured herself into carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders). Maybe it is because the creative, individualistic part of me is precisely what I run to when I wish to destress and rejuvenate myself. It is an escapade, a place where I can dispense my thoughts on paper or film. My friend wanted to know, how do I do this.

It is highly common for people to ask me why am I always working even when I have already ended my work.
Or why am I always so happy when I am working on work projects. It is work after all... right?

I love what I do. My work is basically my life. I spend all my free time working on something new. If I have a mere five
minutes to spare while waiting for an email, I make a stop-motion film. I take pictures of shadows casted on the floor. I research on a possible project for my students. The problem is that we don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. And many times, we do not realize that we possess the power to change the way we feel about things, how things around us affect us. Not just in a philanthropic, holistic context. I am referring to the tiniest, most insignificant things that define our stark individuality. 

I am not going to lie, but doing what I love has always been a struggle. Especially financially, as a twenty four year old woman. Whoever said that money is of no importance, does not know what he/she is talking about. This is the truth, I am not going to sugarcoat this fact. But I have complete trust in God, that he makes everything right for me. And he has been. I have been tremendously blessed.

Before you start rolling your eyes at me, let me explain.

There were so many times where I was at the crossroads along the years, and I struggled to keep up with my peers. I watched them get their first car, get hitched, to purchasing their first property and eventually having kids. I questioned myself if this is what I want to do in the long run if I want to have a family (eventually, you start thinking about these things). But, the Lord has been kind to me as always. There were times where no jobs were coming in, and I was scrambling on Jobscentral looking for a possible position for me to jump into and tide over the challenges. 

Then, a sudden wave of assignments and jobs would come pouring in. Magically, someone would speak to me about a possible job opening, or a project he/she wants me to work for. It would happen as if I had broadcasted my misery online, and everyone bought my sob story. 

It was certainly not like that, due to my pride and ego - I would grit my teeth and stay hungry.

Someone once told me that if you love something so much, it would eventually radiate from you. And I agree. It will be seen in the way you walk, the way you move, how you start a conversation with strangers. It will be evident in your speech, the pictures in your social media accounts, in your phone, framed across your wall. It will be seen in your eyes when you speak of what you do. You will not be able to do anything else, but focus on improving your craft and working on new projects.

The room lights up when you walk in. Mainly because you exist in the chances you have taken, in whatever opportunities that has and will be thrown towards you. Your eyes light up and your hands start animating in excitement. You have immense confidence in your work, and never cease to learn (and make mistakes in the process). I have seen and spoken to people like that and it is quite frankly the most amazing thing ever. They are radiant and attractive, because they have struggled, and survived all odds to be who they are today. And you know that these opportunities that come by, are based on how hungry you are for them. It is the insatiable hunger for your passion that puts bread on the table. 

The most passionate people are those who work on what they love, so damn freaking hard. 
So much that its almost impossible for people to ignore them. For me, it is faith. Faith that will take me beyond what I can.

Now, what about you? What do you do?

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