Aug 31, 2014

Treat Yo Hair Right


One thing that has bothered me since I was a kid, is that I have a really high forehead and hairline. I also have lesser hair density at my hair parting. One of the reasons why I love having bangs, cause it hides my hair issues. Truth is, I used to dance quite abit when I was younger, and had to tie my hair up in a really high (plus tight) ponytail during trainings.

As a vain young kiddo, I experimented with hair extensions at one point of my life after a modeling assignment required me to chop off my long locks to a pixie cut. The hair extensions caused helluva hair breakage and added stress to my hair, causing premature hair fall and my hairline to go higher through the years.

After over 10 years of all that abuse to my hair, poor dieting plus accumulated stress from school and work, the health of my hair has deteriorated to a large extent that I am starting to see hair fall symptoms. Hair fall is a really common issue among Singaporeans, regardless of age or gender. Probably because of our hot climate and high humidity, Singaporeans tend to sweat a lot on a daily basis, causing our skin AND scalp to overproduce oil. Which really sucks. Seriously.

So, I began my search to my hair fall problems. And I think I may have found it!

L’Oreal sent me these babies, which smell so good I could go on sniffing em all day. 
I love trying out new shampoos and conditioners!

Did you know, we drop about 50-100 strands daily and that makes 3000 strands every month?!? Holy shit. I never knew that we lose that much hair every month. Cray. So thankfully, we have the L’Oreal Fall Repair 3x Anti-Hair Fall Treatment, which aims to be the solution for hair fall, fighting ze horrible hair fall problem from the roots. Best part is that it’s clinically proven to save freakin’ 1600 strands of hair every month!!

I want muh hair back!

If you’re wondering what kind of magical serum this is to claim such success, it can do this because of it’s Triple-Action Formula! – Arginine, Aminexil and Protein.

Ok…So I’m may have lost you at Arg…

Let me break it down for you to help you understand how it works! :)


Firstly, it’s due to an imbalanced diet and lack of nourishment
For this, you need Arginine to help nourish the hair bulb.

Secondly, as we age, the collagen sheath holding the hair hardens – preventing hair from growing out properly! 
For this, you need Aminexil to help soften the collagen to allow better growth.

Lastly, we put our hair through such harsh chemical processes and this causes breakage. 
For this, you need Protein to help strengthen the hair fiber.

So I brought these babies up to Aussie with me to try it out.  I really really love the smell!! (Yes I know I’ve already said that). Results? It’s still relatively early for me to give you an honest opinion but it seems like my hair doesn’t break as often?!  I’ve been trying to religiously apply the serum and spend some time massaging it into my scalp. 

It helps that it’s a little minty and that just makes my scalp feel more energized

I’m definitely looking forward to having a healthier and stronger scalp so I’ll continue using this product diligently for a while. Without hard work and discipline, you will never get anywhere!

If you’re facing hair loss and looking for an affordable solution, you can try this out! Head on down to your any Watsons, Guardian and major supermarkets islandwide to get yours today! L’Oreal is now offering 20% off their Fall Repair 3x Anti-Hair Fall Treatment (usual price $39.90, now $31.90).

Stay beautiful, girls!

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