Aug 8, 2014

Melbourne Dreaming.

[    M e l b o u r n e   D r e a m i n g    ]

Aussie bound for more than a week with the fam. We drove about 900km to Sydney a week ago and spent 2 days there, visiting our relatives and having so much good food that I think I must have had a permanent food baby all that while. We just got back to the big city after camping out for the past week, which was helluva fun even though everyone around us think that we have gone mad to decide to camp out during freakin' winter. But hey, it was so damn amazing waking up to gorgeous lakes and scenic mountains every morning. 

Melbourne is freezing cold at the moment and all I want to do is hide under the covers once I step out. Been drinking way too many cups of hot chocolate and coffee. Not that I am complaining though. I could probably drink hot chocolate and coffee everyday for the rest of my life. I am currently back in a comfy hotel after attending my elder brother's graduation - that smart ass just graduated with a Bachelor in Arts at Melbourne University. Congratulations brother bear, your academic studies is finally over. Or maybe not.

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