Feb 25, 2014

Three Blind Mice Flea Market

Set up a booth at the Three Blind Mice Flea Market over the weekend with my girl, Kanny. I was barely surviving on less than 5 hours of shuteye over the past 36 hours (Fashion school has trained me well). Here are some event visuals that I managed to snap while walking around the venue. Let me take you through what happened over the fantastic weekend! 

Mandatory shot since I was fully dressed in YHF on the second day. Thanks for these gorgeous wardrobe staples love. Winnie (owner of YHF) brought many lookbook pictures of me to the flea, and it was interesting to see her customers doing double takes whenever they saw me at her booth. I even stood in for her when she was busy, was incredibly fun to meet some of YHF's customers! 

The organizers of the flea market printed out many posters of the bloggers for the Raid My Wardrobe section - which I thought was a brilliant concept to pull in the crowd. I was constantly shopping at that section myself! Bought a maroon gown from Melissa there, gonna wear it for an upcoming wedding :)

The brainchild behind the amazing Young Hungry Free, Winnie.

The bloggers who made effort to head down to the flea! From left to right - Shine, myself, Kanny (my +1), Melissa and Sophia.

Here are the organizers of the Three Blind Mice Flea. Didn't manage to take a picture with the third mice. Thanks for having me at the flea, I really enjoyed myself despite me being extremely sleep-deprived during the past few days. I met countless people and managed to catch up with some readers who are ever so supportive ever since I started blogging 7 years ago. Very grateful for you guys.

Thank you Aloy and Kendrick for the kind hospitality and always making sure I was well-fed with all those Salted Caramel ice cream coupons. I had quite a number of tubs throughout the day! Needless to say, I was a very happy child during the flea. I LOVE ICECREAM :)

Made a tub of Edamame to snack on during the flea.

Was shopping at the flea and chanced upon Naked Glory yet again! Their booth was full with people ooh-ing and aahhh-ing over their products. I love their timeless watch designs and the huge variety, which made me truly spoilt for choice. I had such a hard time choosing a design, cause all of them look so god damn good. 

Was talking to the owner of Naked Glory, and found out that they have a sister brand - Foundry and Co, which sells kick-ass statement jewelry. 

Thanks for the little gifts, girls <3 

Can't wait for the next flea, see you girls soon x