Feb 7, 2014


[     H a p p y   B i r t h d a y   G e c k s    ]

Some of the dearest memories are constructed with the people you keep close around you. I tend to judge people I don't know very well, according to the people around them. You are who you mix with. The friends you have reflect who you are as a person. I like to believe that these interconnected relationships help to mold characters, polishing and fine-tuning the hidden, imperfect bits that people often chuck away from the world.

Friends will probe into the things you are afraid to question. They push you to embark in things that you have always feared to face. Distant handshakes exchanged for warm hugs and shallow conversations turn into sources of solace. Strangers slowly become confidantes. Someone once told me that I should learn how to choose my battles well, never pick a fight that I can never win. Most importantly, pick your comrades well. How true this is.