Sep 11, 2013

Office in-the-making

Visuals of the newly renovated office, designed by yours truly (and the brothers from AndroidsinBoots) over the past 2 months. Its been helluva roller coaster ride sourcing for every single detail - from meeting up contractors, flooring, putting up walls, sourcing for appropriate lighting to spice up neglected corners, hunting for vintage furniture and decor that was handpicked during my recent trip to the land of smiles. In retrospect, its been a long-standing dream for us to have our own creative space, and we can't describe our happiness in another fashion. *hyperventilating with excitement* Its pretty much surreal at this moment.

Decor-wise, I purchased way too many plants (mainly faux, of course) - all with good intentions to add some colour to the otherwise minimalistic yet Scandinavian-inspired interior. The office is peppered with key vintage pieces that Wilson lugged back from his work/backpacking trip to Europe, which I'm excited to display on proper shelving facilities. Sad to say, things will probably escalate slowly since school has officially started for me (what a bummer) and Wilson is starting to get really busy with backdated work. Would love to show you guys the rest of the office when everything is done x