Feb 14, 2013


You're so calm and quiet, you never say. 
But there are things inside you. I see them sometimes, hiding in your eyes. 
- Tracy Chevalier, Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Some pictures from an old photography project I did early last year. As unfortunate as it is, the dreadful ego gets in the way at times, leaving me pretty much frustrated and spent. I feel like I have not been learning as fast as I hoped to have over the past few months. Someone once told me that he saw sadness being released through those camera lens of his, granting him some sort of comfort during the worse trials of his life. Isn't that quite something? To seek comfort and allow visuals to vocalize the many things that words can't. The feeling of screaming through deafening silence.


Anonymous said...

how come your writing so weird in this post as if you are quoting someone? or did you write those things yourself?

Aud said...

I cited Tracy Chevalier for the words in grey. The rest are just random thoughts strung together. Sorry if it looks weird. I have awkward revelations sometimes. Don't read too much into it.

Anonymous said...

i love your words.


Anonymous said...

May I know which fake lashes are you using aud ?

Aud said...

Thanks anon 2 :)

Hey anon 3, this picture above was my friend's real lashes haha :))