Dec 9, 2012


Visited my secondary school bestie's place at the dairy farm estate yesterday and celebrated her daughter's first birthday with the family! This little princess is such a joy to be around with and I managed to grab her attention for a few short seconds for these shots before she went ballistic due to excitement (again). Apparently, baby talk does not work on every toddler and no amount of baby voices could calm the princess down lol. Babies are seriously impossibru hahaha


Anonymous said...

Hello there!

May i know what filter/software do you use for your pictures on your blog. loving the effect. :)

Anonymous said...

just wondering... are you gonna go back to your domain again? or are you sticking with this url permanently?

Aud said...

Hi anon1, I use iPhone apps like Vscocam etc! :) Thank you!!!!

Aud said...

Hi anon2, I will be sticking to this domain for the time being until I think of a new one! This domain will be automatically directed to the new one if there is any! :)